Warm white LED won "Technical Innovation Award"
Nichia's NSPL510S warm white LED won "Technical Innovation Award" and "Best of Category Award for Specialty Lamps Category" at the LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIONAL 2003.
More than 500 companies from all over the world exhibited at LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIONAL 2003, the world's largest trade show of lighting field. The event took place May 3-8 in New York, USA.
"Technical Innovation Award" was presented to the only one product that was selected among over 200 entries.
Warm White LED is the combination of blue LED, newly developed red phosphor and the YAG phosphor. Red color was enhanced by this newly developed phosphor. This enables the color match to the track of black body radiation in the lamp color area (color temperature 2500K-3500K) which was difficult to achieve by current white LED which uses a only YAG Phosphor. Moreover, the color shift caused from forward current change and temperature change will be reduced compared to current white LED.
It is our hope that this unique development came out from our belief "Be different in Technology" shall contribute the launch in many different illumination application, which lead to growth of LED market world wide.

Contact information;
Public Relations, Nichia Corporation